Supporting Innovation in a Context of Uncertainty: The Role of Design and Technology

dc.contributor.authorArmouch, Sarah
dc.contributor.authorVisram, Shelina
dc.contributor.authorVlachokyriakos, Vasilis
dc.description.abstractWithin the context of Lebanon, certain youth-led and grassroots organizations are fertile spaces of social innovation. Through a participatory action research (PAR) approach and using participatory design (PD) methods, we explore the possibility of creating the conditions for technology-supported social innovation within such a contested context. We present the case of our long-term engagement with “4-all-causes,” a youth-led group that aims to challenge existing hierarchical organizational structures and redefine health service provision in the country. Our observations and participatory workshops led to insights concerning the application of PD in such contested and uncertain spaces. In addition, we discuss the roles that we, as design researchers and digital technologists, can play in creating conditions for social transformation and a new health narrative through the infrastructuring of social innovation.en
dc.publisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
dc.relation.ispartofProceedings of the 11th International Conference on Communities and Technologies
dc.subjectPublic Health
dc.subjectParticipatory Design
dc.subjectSocial Innovation
dc.titleSupporting Innovation in a Context of Uncertainty: The Role of Design and Technologyen
dc.typeText/Conference Paper
gi.citation.publisherPlaceNew York, NY, USA
gi.conference.locationLahti, Finland
