CSCL@work Revisited - beyond CSCL and CSCW? Are There Key Design Principles for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning at the Workplace?

dc.contributor.authorGoggins, Sean
dc.contributor.authorJahnke, Isa
dc.contributor.authorWulf, Volker
dc.description.abstractWe propose an interdisciplinary workshop to explore key design principles of collaborative learning in the workplace. The workshop's theme is, simply CSCL at the workplace". Our first workshop at ACM Group 2010, and the resulting book, raise an important set of issues and potentials for research, but does not solve the thorny and controversial issues. This workshop will be focused on for making progress on the identified issues. The ACM Group conference remains an ideal venue for a workshop on this topic because the North American and European communities who participate in Group include leading members of the international CSCL and CSCW communities. The proposed workshop will be a full day. It will open with a situating presentation by the organizers and, participant questions and proposed solutions aimed at the issues we have raised and begun to recognize, and focus working groups on the resolution of those issues in work to follow the conference. To participate in the workshop, discussants will be asked for a position paper of up to 2 pages in standard ACM format. Our edited book will be made available to participants in advance, and selected authors who will be present will provide overviews of their work and perspective in an interleaved way with the more action oriented working sessions."en
dc.publisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
dc.relation.ispartofProceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work
dc.subjectworkplace learning
dc.titleCSCL@work Revisited - beyond CSCL and CSCW? Are There Key Design Principles for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning at the Workplace?en
gi.citation.publisherPlaceNew York, NY, USA
gi.conference.locationSanibel Island, Florida, USA

