ECSCW 2024 Posters, Demos, Panels, Workshops and Masterclasses

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  • Conference Paper
    Conducting Interdisciplinary Research with Vulnerable Populations in Computing: Challenges, Practices, and Lessons Learned
    (Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2024) Maestre, Juan F.; Claisse, Caroline; Strohmayer, Angelika; Warner, Mark; Durrant, Abigail; Wydall, Sarah; Jones, Deborah
    The need for interdisciplinary approaches has become a necessity in Computer Science (CS) research. This is particularly the case with research involving the design and development of technologies that can have a significant impact on the wellbeing of people who are deemed vulnerable (e.g., those living with stigmatized conditions or identities). However, in most cases, interdisciplinary research collaborations in CS fail to include experts from key areas whose knowledge and perspectives could benefit the end users and make the technology design process more ethical. In response, we propose a workshop bringing together researchers and practitioners from CS and the Social and Health Sciences to discuss the challenges, practices, and lessons learned regarding such interdisciplinary research collaborations in the context of technology design with and for vulnerable groups. The outcomes of the workshop would provide insights on how to conduct this type of research more effectively and ethically.
  • Conference Paper
    Multispecies Urbanism: Blueprint on the Methodological Future of Inclusive Smart City Design
    (Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2024) Aal, Tanja; Scheepmaker, Laura; Wilson Takaoka, Alicia Julia; Schuler, Doug; Borning, Alan H.; Müller, Claudia; Aal, Konstantin
    The incorporation of digital infrastructure has become increasingly important in Smart Cities. Inclusive Smart City design requires an intersectional approach that engages human and non-human actors. While in academia inclusive design and socio-technical methods are emerging, Smart City practitioners lack universally accessible collections of methods applicable for diverse target groups. This workshop examines creative, qualitative and participatory methods with practitioners and researchers for inclusive design of Smart Cities that consider the needs and preferences of vulnerable target groups such as older adults, wildlife, and nature. A participatory approach is applied, taking into account the multidisciplinary complex work context of practitioners, e.g., representatives of municipalities. This workshop is the third of a series of workshops against this theme and closes the circle of different relevant stakeholders (researchers, vulnerable target groups, practitioners), resulting into a collection of inclusive, participatory methods which are made accessible to Smart City practitioners in an online toolbox.
  • Conference Paper
    Implementing Electronic Health Records – Objectives, Obstacles, Outcomes
    (Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2024) Ellingsen, Gunnar; Grisot, Miria; Hertzum, Morten; Islind, Anna Sigridur
    Electronic health records (EHRs) support healthcare professionals in their treatment of patients by providing the means to order, document, and follow up on the steps taken to care for each patient. To fulfil this function, EHRs are complex systems with numerous features and associated work processes. As a result, the implementation of EHRs in healthcare institutions is a major undertaking, which has received sustained attention in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) and other research fields. This workshop aims to provide a forum for participants to get updated on current CSCW studies of EHR implementations and create connections with a select group of researchers who study EHR implementations from a CSCW perspective. Within the overall theme of implementing EHRs, the workshop specifically focuses on the objectives, obstacles, and outcomes of such implementations. The key activities at the workshop will be presentation of the participants’ position papers and thematic group discussion.
  • Conference Paper
    Discomfort in the making of technologies: (re-) choreographing agency
    (Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2024) Popova, Kristina; Chicau, Joana; Fiebrink, Rebecca; Comber, Rob; Figueras, Clàudia
    We invite CSCW scholars to collaboratively explore \textit{discomfort} in the practices of technology design and production. As technology practitioners, we are often believed to have responsibility for the development of technology, yet building of technology is always a collective enterprise. We are inviting the workshop participants to explore the collective, embodied, experiential and ecological nature of technology production with the help of choreography-inspired techniques. The first part of the workshop will be devoted to the sharing of participants' submissions. In the second part, with the help of body-based exercises, we will articulate the discomforts of building and researching technology in the age of surveillance capitalism. The main workshop goal is to facilitate community building among the tech practitioners and researchers, who share the experience of discomfort around topics such as ecological crisis, post-colonialism, and social (in)justice. Our second goal is to explore the limits of individual responsibility in small and large scale technology production. Our third goal is to create a shared data base of methodologies of exploring discomfort and, more broadly, the embodied nature of technology.
  • Conference Paper
    Infrastructure and Creativity: Can they co-exist?
    (Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2024) Schmidt, Michaela; Divitini, Monica; Hohenbüchler, Christine; Ringdal, Nora; Schütz, Theresa; Tellioglu, Hilda
    With this workshop, we aim to provide a forum for participants populated by researchers, artists, and practitioners to share their experiences with creativity in infrastructures and infrastructures in creativity. The goal is to learn from different approaches and perspectives. We focus on reflecting on key issues based on CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work), PD (Participatory Design), and IxD (Interaction Design) concepts and approaches regarding facilitating creativity. It should act as a seed for further exchange of ideas and cross-community fertilization. After briefly introducing state-of-the-art creativity and infrastructures, different approaches connected with supporting practices of being creative in given infrastructures and re/shaping infrastructures to facilitate creativity in processes will be examined and evaluated in group discussions by informing the presented practices with theories and concepts from CSCW, PD, IxD and creativity research.
  • Conference Paper
    Future of Home-living: Designing Smart Spaces for Modern Domestic Life
    (Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2024) Alizadeh, Fatemeh; Randall, Dave; Tolmie, Peter; Lee, Minha; Xu, Yuhui; Mennicken, Sarah; Woźniak, Mikołaj P.; Paul, Dennis; Pins, Dominik
    The evolution of smart home technologies, particularly agentic ones such as conversational agents, robots, and virtual avatars, is reshaping our understanding of home and domestic life. This shift highlights the complexities of modern domestic life, with the household landscape now featuring diverse cohabiting units like co-housing and communal living arrangements. These agentic technologies present specific design challenges and opportunities as they become integrated into everyday routines and activities. Our workshop envisions smart homes as dynamic, user-shaped spaces, focusing on the integration of these technologies into daily life. We aim to explore how these technologies transform household dynamics, especially through boundary fluidity, by uniting researchers and practitioners from fields such as design, sociology, and ethnography. Together, we will develop a design framework that responds to the changing nature and boundaries of contemporary living arrangements
  • Conference Paper
    Practices of Participation and Co-Creation in Healthcare: Lessons Learned and Advancements of Established Methodologies
    (Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2024) Weiler, Tim; Farshchian, Babak; Bhattacharjee, Sourav; Müller, Claudia; Hochwarter, Stefan
    Participatory research in the health sector is fraught with obstacles. In particular, choosing appropriate methods to involve the heterogeneous stakeholders in the health system can be difficult. Not only are time constraints and hierarchies between professional (and non-professional) healthcare actors a challenge, but also dealing with patients who may have different physical and psychological limitations. Accordingly, not all qualitative methods are applicable to all stakeholder groups. Limitations such as speech or visual impairments can make it difficult to participate in focus groups or design workshops. In this workshop we will discuss experiences with participatory methods in the health sector and explore how established methods can be made more inclusive so that they can be adapted to a wide range of stakeholders.
  • Conference Paper
    Beyond Charts & Graphs: creating Data Visualizations to enhance knowledge
    (Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2024) Ceccarini, Chiara
    In an era characterized by a continual increase in the volume of information and data from diverse sources and presented in various formats, the challenge of effectively representing them and enabling users to derive meaningful insights becomes relevant. This underscores the growing significance of Data Visualization, defined as the systematic representation of data to convey information clearly and impactfully, leveraging human cognitive abilities. The objective is to create a valuable decision-making tool, spotlighting patterns or anomalies within the data. Moreover, Data Visualization enhances data processing in the human brain more efficiently than textual information, fostering comprehension of heterogeneous and large data sets, improving collaboration, and providing an adept ad-hoc data analysis tool. This masterclass aims to empower participants with the skills and insights necessary for creating visualization. Focusing on the principles of data visualization, participants will explore diverse techniques to transform information into data representations, combining theoretical lessons with hands-on group activities. The theoretical sessions cover the fundamentals, techniques, and best practices in data visualization, allowing participants to gain a solid understanding of the field. Complementing the theoretical aspect, practical group activities offer participants the chance to apply learned concepts in real-world scenarios and foster teamwork.
  • Conference Paper
    Data at the Workspace - Working with data: collecting, analyzing and using traces of work activities
    (Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2024) Chassot, Christophe; Datchary, Caroline; Grosjean, Sylvie; Lewkowicz, Myriam; Medjiah, Samir; Müller, Claudia
    The digitization of work has expanded the possibility of collecting traces of activities, and AI techniques are now expanding the potential for analyzing this large amount of data. This phenomenon is mostly associated with forms of control and evaluation of worker’s activities, thus generating forms of resistance. It is therefore important to think about ways of collecting and processing this data that could improve the quality of life at work, by tackling information, cognitive, or communication overload. Indeed, this data could be used to improve deliberation in organizations, by providing digital representations of the activity that is not easy to grasp in day-to-day professional work. The objective of this workshop is to gather researchers interested in discussing how data could be collected, analyzed, and discussed to improve the quality of life at work: which data? Which methods for its collection and its analysis? Under which conditions?
  • Conference Paper
    An ECSCW 2024 Panel in honour of Prof Dr Volkmar Pipek
    (Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2024) Ciolfi, Luigina
    We propose a panel at ECSCW 2024 in honour of Prof Dr Volkmar Pipek, who passed away on January 6, 2024. Prof Dr Pipek made many significant contributions to the field of CSCW and to ECSCW in particular, and the panel will be a way to discuss the impact and legacy of his work.